BALANCE FOR WINDOWS 1.01 SHAREWARE VERSION TEXT =============================================== First off, McMahon Software would like to thank you for taking the time to download Balance for Windows. We are sure that you will either enjoy using this program; find it very useful; or look at the figures it gives you and cry! So however you use it, you'll probably end up finding it useful. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION ==================== Balance for Windows is a money management program. Its purpose is to assist you in your budgeting. When you get right down to it, all Balance for Windows is is a remake of the original Balance for DOS (also available for download from McMahon Software's web page) using the easy-to-use interface of Windows. This copy of Balance for Windows is the shareware version. Read the terms of use for the shareware version of Balance for Windows or the nag screen that welcomes you every time you run Balance. TERMS OF USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF BALANCE ======================================== You may use this copy of Balance for Windows for the complete thirty-day evaluation period (which starts the first time you execute Balance). After these thirty days are up, if you wish to continue to use Balance for Windows, you must purchase the full version from McMahon Software. By clicking the big red button on the nag screen, you agree to these terms (which are stated on the nag screen). This copy of Balance for Windows is shareware software. This means that McMahon Software encourages you to widely distribute the copy of Balance for Windows. If you are a shareware vendor, you may distribute this software freely, but we request that you not charge over five dollars for it (50% of the price of the full version). When distributing this program, you must include all the files in the original archive provided by McMahon Software. These files are: WINBAL_S.EXE WINBAL_S.TXT MCMAHON.CAT BALANCE.ICO README.BAT PRINTDOC.BAT VBRUN300.DLL DBPUSH.VBX When distributing to the general public archives must be in either ZIP or self-extracting EXE format. You may use other archiving formats only when requested by a specific person of group to whom the software is being sold to. REGISTRATION ADVANTAGES ======================= 1. Get rid of that horrible, awful, time-wasting nag screen that comes up as soon as you run Balance. 2. Get a free upgrade to the next version of Balance for Windows that comes out. 3. Get the most current version of Balance for Windows. 4. Have the advantage of owning your own, registered software. 5. Support the shareware concept so that McMahon Software can continue to provide extreamly inexpensive software. 6. The most important --- YOU CAN BRAG! ORDER FORM ========== Please cut out on the dotted line, and send to the address at the bottom of this document. O_/ O \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:______________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP___________________________________________ E-Mail (if available)______________________________________ The cost is only $10.00 per copy!!! COPIES: _______ X 10 + $1 (S/H) = $______ (Total amount enclosed.) Please make check or money order out to Larry McMahon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MCMAHON PROGRAMS ====================== Please read the file, MCMAHON.CAT for a complete catalog of all McMahon's current and upcoming releases. CONTACTING MCMAHON SOFTWARE =========================== Street Address: McMahon Software 11622 E. 36th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 (That's in the USA) E-Mail: Please, when sending us e-mail, for the subject put McMahon Software, then the regular subject!!! Internet Page: "The Official WWW Site of McMahon Software" is at: TO PRINT THIS TEXT, TYPE PRINTDOC AT THE DOS PROMPT.